alexw Posts

September 19, 2017 / / General Rambling
August 12, 2017 / / Technical Articles
August 6, 2017 / / Electronics
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April 14, 2017 / / Technical Articles
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January 31, 2017 / / Uncategorized

If you’re like me, a long time Virgin America customer with a handfull of Elevate points, you probably got an email in the last few days asking you to enroll in Alaska’s Mileage Plan with a nice sweet offer: 10k points or a $100 flight voucher. The first question is, which should you pick? You also have the option to roll your Virgin Elevate points into Mileage Plan points at 1.3 MP points per Elevate point. But should you do it? I spent some time crunching numbers trying to answer both questions.