Developing for a Jailbroken iPhone A to Z (iPhone 3.1.2)

Debugging on device. Freaking finally.
Debugging on device. Freaking finally.

UPDATE: There’s a new method for iOS4 but they’re pretty similar anyway.

So it’s been a while, but now that I’m on break again and have some time, I’m doing a bit of iPhone development again. That means I’m going to need to debug on-device (or at least load my app to it to have fun in the real world with my handiwork). This time, the procedure’s a little different though.

Vital stats:
iPhone OS 3.1.2
Xcode version 3.2.1, 64 bit
Mac OSX 10.6.2 Snow Leopard

Let’s do it.

UPDATE: Corrected a problem with the run script build phase: corrected the directory names for the new version and copied the new phase that doesn’t include “resource_rules.plist.”

UPDATE 2: Somehow I forgot the add an identity step. It’s now #1 below. Sorry guys. Also, while this whole thing should apply to iPhoneOS 4, I’m going to officially text it/repost with 4.01 soon.

The Goal: The goal is the same as the last time and the time before that: we want to be able to click “build and go” in Xcode and get the app we’re working on to load to the phone and start up. More than that, we want to be able to DEBUG on the thing!

Abstract: Our methodology is slightly different this time around. This time we’re going to tell Xcode that it doesn’t need to codesign for iPhoneOS targets, then we’re going to tell it don’t codesign for iPhoneOS targets, then we’re going to tell it, well, actually, codesign but do it using our script, not your built in method.

The Process:

    1. UPDATE: You actually have to do this first. Most of you didn’t have a problem, since you had to do it in previous guides, but some people have gotten stuck here because I somehow managed to leave this out entirely. Sorry: You will need a signing identity. We’ll break the check such that it doesn’t have to be an official ADC one, so you can make your own using this guide from apple (coral). What you are doing in this step is creating a “Self-Signing Identity.” Note that you should name the identity “iPhone Developer” EXACTLY to avoid having to change a bunch of the steps below.
    2. Make some Plist adjustments, starting with SDKSettings.plist:
      cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.1.2.sdk
      cp SDKSettings.plist SDKSettings.plist.orig
      vi SDKSettings.plist


      and change YES to NO
      then find
      and change YES to NO again.
    3. Now, move on to the platform Info.plist
      cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/
      cp Info.plist Info.plist.orig
      vi Info.plist

      Three times, the following appears:

      Find each occurrence by, in vi, typing the “/” key and CODE_SIGN_CONTEXT (typing / will open a “find” box at the bottom of the window)
      Replace the
      <string>XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext</string> with
    4. And now the real bad boy, some binary patching of Xcode:
      cd ~/Desktop
      vi script

      hit the “i” key and copy/paste:
      cd /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Plug-ins/iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/
      dd if=iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support of=working bs=500 count=255
      printf "\xc3\x26\x00\x00" >> working
      dd if=iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support of=working bs=1 skip=127504 seek=127504
      /bin/mv -n iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support.original
      /bin/mv working iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support
      chmod a+x iPhoneOS\ Build\ System\ Support

      type the keys, in order: “:” “x” “enter”
      chmod 777 script

      If it works right, you should see something like
      255+0 records in
      255+0 records out
      127500 bytes transferred in 0.020355 secs (6263821 bytes/sec)
      189216+0 records in
      189216+0 records out
      189216 bytes transferred in 1.200354 secs (157633 bytes/sec)

At this point, you’re done telling Xcode it doesn’t need to codesign. Now, we tell it don’t codesign:

  1. With a new project open and ready to go (presumably you want to debug this one, though once you change these settings once, they’ll persist from project to project) open Project>Edit Project Settings (from the menu).
    Find “Code Signing Identity” and its child “Any iPhoneOS Device” in the list, and set both to the entry “don’t code sign”

    Screen shot 2010-01-11 at 1.05.42 AM
    Should look like this

    Now you’ve told Xcode “don’t codesign”

  2. The final step is to tell Xcode “well, actually you should codesign.”
    mkdir /Developer/iphoneentitlements312
    cd /Developer/iphoneentitlements312
    curl -O
    mv gen_entitlements.txt
    chmod 777

Now you’re good to go! But there’s just one last thing. You have to do this last part for every new project you make. Go to the menu Project > New Build Phase > New Run Script Build Phase. In the window, copy/paste this:

export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate
if [ "${PLATFORM_NAME}" == "iphoneos" ]; then
/Developer/iphoneentitlements312/ "${PROJECT_NAME}" "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent";
codesign -f -s "iPhone Developer" --entitlements "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}.xcent" "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${WRAPPER_NAME}/"

That will call the script you just downloaded in step 5 to sign our app with a fake signature. This is important only for debugging. If you do build and go otherwise (in debug build mode) the app will load onto the phone, and will launch and run manually just fine. However, if the debugger tries to launch it then attach to the process (as when build and go is clicked), the app will segfault and die, causing the error
Error from debugger: The program being debugged is not being run

Perhaps the most confusing part about this error is that build and go works fine up until that point WITHOUT disabling regular code signature! If you sign with a fake identity like we used to in the previous tutorials, everything installs fine, but the legit CODESIGN generated signatures cause the segfault, whereas the ones don’t. To further confuse, the regular CODESIGN in this version of Xcode happens last in the build process, wheras it used to be that the custom run script phase happened last before. Meaning we have to kill legit codesigning or it wipes out our fake codesigning. All one monster headache.

But that should do it. Take all those steps and you should be home free for JBDev without paying $99.

Oh right, except the one last (critical) part. You have to have a jailbroken iPhone, and it has to have Installd Patch installed! That part’s critical. You can find Installd Patch in the repo at, if you don’t have it installed.

CREDITS: Once again, credit for this process goes to various posters in this forum thread at All of these steps are there somewhere, it just took a while to re piece them together in the right combination.


  1. Pepa
    January 11, 2010


  2. David
    January 11, 2010

    Works with my 3GS!!! Thank you!

    installd patch is incompatible with 3GS, I had to use AppSync 3.1.

  3. Nico
    January 11, 2010

    I tried this steps but when I try to debug on device, my console gets full of this stuff:

    PLUChecker(2292) malloc: unable to create stack log directory /tmp/stack-logs.2292.PLUChecker.uIX23d

    And then, I get an EXC_BAD_ADDRESS.

    Any ideas on where to start looking for the issue?

  4. January 11, 2010

    Pepa: You’re welcome 🙂
    David: What IS AppSync? I’ll have to look into that. Everyone says it’s a valid alternative for Installd Patch, which I believe, but I don’t know why 😛

    Nico: That doesn’t sound like any error I’ve ever seen relating to this process. Are you trying this out with a clean app that you know works, that is for example, create a fresh window based application and just run it without any modification? Try resetting your phone, then try that, and if neither works, do this.

    1. Open the Organizer window from Window > Organizer
    2. In the Organizer window, select the console tab
    3. Set yourself a bookmark by locking then unlocking the phone. The unlock should cause the console message “Warning: Setting springboard visible = 1” at the bottom of the screen (new msgs on bottom). Just use that as a placeholder, keep track of that line.
    4. Try to build and go
    5. Copy everything after the placeholder into a comment here for me to look at 🙂

    Unless of course you mean the error happens on the computer side. In the Build Results window, you have a few options about what’s shown in the bar just under the toolbar. Set where it says “issues only” to “all messages” then screen shot it and post a link.

  5. michwich
    January 12, 2010

    Thanks for this. Very helpful. With Applesync you can add cracked apps to your itunes library and they will get installed via sync.

  6. January 12, 2010

    Yeah, I looked into it. Apparently it’s exactly the same as installd patch :). The only thing required to load cracked apps via iTunes is signature check breaking on the phone.

  7. January 13, 2010

    Thanks! it all works fine except when I build it with the “new build phrase” added, something goes wrong

    /bin/sh -c /Users/apple/Documents/prog/3/build/

    iPhone developer: no identity found
    Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

    What’s wrong with this? does anybody else has this problem?

  8. January 13, 2010

    So I can tell you the likely reason that it’s happening, but I’m not sure why it’s a problem.

    There’s a line in the run script build phase:
    codesign -f -s “iPhone developer” –entitlements….

    The whole run script phase is presumably saved as 91… in some folder some where that Xcode accesses it, and that’s why it’s failing.

    My immediate suggestion is to make a code signing identity in Keychain Access called “iPhone Developer.” If my logic is right, that should fix it.

    What’s weird, though, is that I am using the same build phase script, yet I have NO codesigning identities in my keychain at all anymore.

    My question to you is this: did you edit project settings to say “Don’t code sign” or does it still say code signing identity: “iPhone Developer”? I’m curious because maybe, if your selected codesigning identity is iPhone developer instead of “don’t” it’ll look for it.

    Then again, maybe I just have an identity hanging over from a while ago that I didn’t notice or something. Let me know what your settings are and if making the certificate fixes it.

  9. Leon Blade
    January 20, 2010

    Hello, I’m also getting this error:

    /bin/sh -c "\"/Users/me/Documents/Programming/iPhone/Test Build/build/Test\""

    iPhone developer: no identity found
    Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1

    I’ve replaced all instances of XCiPhoneOSCodeSignContext with XCCodeSignContext although the last instance of it did NOT have CODE_SIGN_CONTEXT_CLASS before it like you stated it would.

    Other than that, I ran into no other problems.

    I did however go through the method found here on your blog on accident for a previous version of Xcode and a lesser version of the iPhone OS, could this be the reason this isn’t working now?

  10. January 20, 2010

    That’s what my Info.plist looks like too.

    Did you try creating the iPhone Developer identity in the keychain manager? I swear I don’t have it but maybe that’s the key and my case is a fluke. Let me know if you figure it out so that I know what the answer is, and I’ll look at it ASAP myself to see if I can reproduce it.

  11. Leon Blade
    January 20, 2010

    I did… but I think I’m a bit lost with that step…
    Do you mind walking me through it, or posting a link where I can figure out what I’m doing?

    Thanks a lot.

  12. January 20, 2010

    Just launch Keychain Access.

    Keychain Access>Keychain Assistant>Create Certificate

    Name: iPhone Developer
    Certificate Type: Code Signing

    On the off chance that it’s a problem, you can then explicitly trust it by finding it in your list of “My Certificates” right click>get info

    Expand “Trust”
    Change “when using this certificate” to “Always Trust” and enter your pasword when prompted.

  13. Leon Blade
    January 20, 2010

    Alright, I’m so close I can feel it!

    The build is going through fine, however, I get two message pop-ups that say An unknown error occurred.

    And in the bottom left of Xcode an error message says Failed to install

    Do you have any ideas as to what this may be?
    Also, I did something funky with my Keychain before this, but all is repaired now.

  14. January 20, 2010

    You do have Installd Patch or AppSync installed, right?

  15. Leon Blade
    January 20, 2010

    Yes, I just double checked and I had Installd Patch installed.

  16. January 20, 2010

    And you’ve restarted both the phone and xcode/the computer? If those don’t help, in the Build Results window, bottom of the tool bar, right dropdown, select “show all” instead of “errors only” or whatever it is. Then figure out if that’s the only error it gives or if you can see something more specific.

  17. Leon Blade
    January 20, 2010

    Oh good! I didn’t think to restart either of those, luckily I just had to restart my device and Xcode, not sure which one did the trick but both only take a few minutes and now I’m building just fine!

    Thank you very much for this article, you’ve helped me out a lot.
    Best of luck to everyone else as well, hopefully no one else runs into as many problems as me!

  18. January 21, 2010

    I love it when restarting works 🙂

    On the one hand, it makes you feel like a total idiot. On the other, you don’t have to keep troubleshooting anymore, and I’ll take that.

  19. Prathap
    January 21, 2010

    You’re awesome man, you saved my life. Lolllllllll

  20. Sara
    January 22, 2010

    Hi Alex,

    I ran the steps above but the build fails and I get the following error:
    Running custom shell script (2 errors)
    line 6: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ‘}’
    line 7: syntax error: unexpected end of file

    Any idea why this happened?



  21. January 22, 2010

    Yep. You probably miscopied and didn’t include the last line (closing }) in the run script build phase. Delete it (expand targets>your binary and delete the ‘run script’ entry) and try again.

  22. January 22, 2010

    Actually that’s not specifically true, there is no closing bracket in the last line, but it still looks like you miscopied. Worst case you need to redownload (maybe it’s incomplete or something)

  23. Sara
    January 22, 2010

    I copied the script again and now I’m getting this:

    Running cusom shell script (1 error)
    /Users/sara16_19/Documents/localize/build/ /Developer/iphoneentitlements30/ /usr/local/bin: bad interpreter: Permission denied
    No such file or directory

    Command /bin/sh failed with exit status code 1

    I’m not sure why this is happening…

  24. Sara
    January 22, 2010

    Never mind! I forgot to delete the old “run script”

    I got the app to install on the iphone but when I start it, it shows the main screen and just exits…
    Do you think this is an app issue or something else?

  25. Sara
    January 22, 2010

    Forgot to add:

    The build was successful but I get this error:
    “Error from Debugger: Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process 292.”

  26. Prathap
    January 22, 2010


    I installed my app in the phone through “cyberduck” (through ssh) not through XCode -> Organizer. After that I restarted my phone. So I was able to see my app’s icon in the sprin board. But when I try to launch the app, I’m getting this error.

    : seatbelt: hook..execve() killing pid 143: outside of container && !i_can_has_debugger.

    Do you have any idea what’s happening?

  27. January 22, 2010

    Sara: You either failed to turn off legitimate codesigning (set Code Signing Identity in project settings to “do not code sign”) or you failed to install AppSync or Installd Patch. If you did do both those things, you probably just need to restart the device and/or xcode.

    Prathap: is your executable compiled as a debug or release build? You probably want release. Also, did you follow all steps to use ONLY to codesign, and did you make sure Installd Patch is installed and everything?

  28. Prathap
    January 22, 2010


    >>is your executable compiled as a debug or release build?
    it’s release and for latest iPhone OS (3.1.2). My Phone is 3GS (is this the culprit?)

    >>did you follow all steps to use ONLY to codesign?

    >>did you make sure Installd Patch is installed and everything?
    NO, instead of I installed AppSync.

  29. January 22, 2010

    Were you able to verify function with build&go specifically?

  30. Prathap
    January 22, 2010

    Alex, when I try to install my app (it is in relaese) through XCode -> Organizer it is installed successfully and also able to start. But with my app is trying to access some of the core data bases, which is hidden by apple. When it is trying to access those .db files, my app is getting crashed.

    When I was on leopard, this same app is just working fine.

    To confirm myself I created one more new app with the same functionality. But no luck.

  31. Prathap
    January 22, 2010


    I,m getting this error, when I was trying to access core data bases.

    “Fri Jan 22 22:26:52 unknown kernel[0] : TestApp 673 FS_READ_DATA SBF /private/var/mobile/Library/CallHistory/call_history.db 13 (seatbelt)
    Fri Jan 22 22:26:52 unknown kernel[0] : TestApp 673 FS_READ_DATA SBF /private/var/mobile/Library/CallHistory/call_history.db 13 (seatbelt)”

    Do you have any idea how to resolve this?

  32. January 22, 2010

    I’d try compiling against the Open Toolchain headers instead and see if that opens it up for you. I have no personal experience trying to actually do stuff apple doesn’t programmatically allow.

  33. Prathap
    January 24, 2010


    I solved it myself.

    Alex, thanks for your support.

  34. Raheem
    January 26, 2010

    What if I would like to publish an app to the appstore (legitimate code signing, pay $99, etc.) after I am done testing everything on a jailbroken iphone 3gs. What do I need to do?

  35. January 26, 2010

    I don’t know exactly. I suspect that if you reenable normal code signing and use your official apple identity, you’re good to go. It wouldn’t load onto the device and run properly unless you provision the device, but for the final ship-to-apple release build it should work. But I also don’t have an official account to test it. I may soon though.

    Of course, everything could change tomorrow if they release OS 4 anyway, so stay tuned.

  36. Matt
    January 26, 2010


    thanks a lot for your tutorials, they’re really great.
    It’s working fine for me, the only problem i have is that i always have to delete the app and reinstall it, otherwise there’s an error from the debugger: Error launching remote program: failed to get task for process XXX, is there any way to get around this?

    Thanks for your reply in advance.

    best regards from Europe

  37. Matt
    January 26, 2010


    sorry, i just found out that it’s working every 2nd time, may you’ve any clue on that?


  38. January 26, 2010

    Either you didn’t disable official code signature (project properties, code signing identity “don’t code sign”) (that’s what it was for me when I got this error) or maybe you just need to reboot the iPhone and xCode. Check to be sure you have Installd Patch or Appsync installed too.

  39. January 26, 2010

    I just saw your follow up, my suggestion stands. I’m not sure why it does that but I had the same problem and for me disabling official code signature fixed it.

  40. Nick
    January 27, 2010

    Thanks for this, really useful. Took a while to get working properly, I had to add a certificate to the keychain as suggested in the comments (you could maybe add this to the post), and also disabling code signing is another thing to remember to do for each project which caused me some problems at first. Working great now!

  41. Matt
    January 27, 2010

    Thanks for your reply,

    i tried all of your recommendations, still the same prob.
    When i set Code_Signing to Don’t Code Sign the script exits with error status 1. I changed the iPhone Developer in the run script to iPhone 3GS as i already created a Signature earlier, after that i still get the same error, only when i change Code_Sign to my Signature (iPhone 3GS) it’s working, at least every 2nd time.
    I restarted already couple times, no change.
    On my iPhone i’ve App Sync 3.1 installed as Installd is only for older FW Versions.
    I looked in the Python script (gen….py) if there’s a iPhone Developer which i could also change to iPhone 3GS but it isn’t. Do i have to create a new signature named iPhone Developer?
    May it’s related to my OS as i’m not running snow leopard,i’ve only leopard with Xcode 3.1.4 running.
    Any clue?

  42. January 29, 2010

    Just wanted to say thanks for writing this up. It worked perfectly but I did need to create the iphone developer in keychain since it was failing as others had described but after I created it via your instructions it worked perfectly. Once again thanks!

  43. Robert
    January 31, 2010

    I’m a bit confused about the difference between this and the last version of the guide for iPhoneOS 3.0….I now have XCode 3.2.1 and used this guide without problem to build for ‘iPhone Device 3.1.2’ but it does not work for ‘iPhone Device 3.0’….is this possible? Does the patching only affect certain device versions (SDKs) or is it specific to the XCode version? How would I use XCode 3.2.1 and iPhone 3.0? It can’t be as simple as patching the plugin both ways…can it??

  44. Javier
    February 1, 2010

    Hi Alex,

    Thanks for all the useful information. Will this work with Leopard and XCode 3.1.4?

  45. shawn
    February 1, 2010

    Great info on this website! Thanks!

    After hours of trial and error I finally got this working with a little extra fix from the website below.

    For those that may be experiencing the “Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1” or “object file format invalid or unsuitable” check out the website below.

    I personally had to comment out these two lines of code to get everything working:
    system(“rm $appDir”.”/CodeResources”);
    system(“cp $appDir”.”/_CodeSignature/CodeResources

    I’m running:
    OSX 10.5.8 (Leapord) in VMware (iDneb)
    Xcode 3.1.4
    iPhone 3g 3.1.2 (jailbroken with blackra1n w/ Installd patch)

    Good Luck.

  46. Javier
    February 1, 2010

    Hi, thanks all for pointing things out. I’m able to actually run the application on the iPhone (I got AppSynch installed), but I can’t get the debugger to work. I got the same error that Sara.

    I checked that there is no signing identity configured, and I rebooted the phone and the OS a couple of times, but I had no luck. It seems that the application is crashing for some reason.

    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Mon Feb 1 21:10:25 unknown mobile_installationd[343] : 0080ae00 verify_signer_identity: Could not copy validate signature: -402620402
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:26 unknown mobile_installationd[343] : 0080ae00 load_application_info: Could not load signer identity from /private/var/mobile/Applications/9C2A4A78-2747-4BBA-9D75-FBEEDCA300A0/
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:26 unknown CommCenter[57] : removing received message 2147483648
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:27 unknown SpringBoard[26] : MultitouchHID(208ad0) uilock state: 1 -> 0
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:27 unknown SpringBoard[26] : MultitouchHID(2db980) device bootloaded
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:29 unknown SpringBoard[26] : Reloading and rendering all application icons.
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:35 unknown[385] : debugserver-43 for armv6 Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Apple, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:35 unknown[385] : Connecting to service...
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.yourcompany.TapToZoom[0x673a]) Spawned and waiting for the debugger to attach before continuing...
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown kernel[0] : launchd[386] Builtin profile: container (seatbelt)
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown kernel[0] : launchd[386] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/9C2A4A78-2747-4BBA-9D75-FBEEDCA300A0 (seatbelt)
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : 1 [0181/0903]: error: ::task_for_pid ( target_tport = 0x0103, pid = 386, task => 0x0000 ) 0x000001f5/0x000001f5 0x000001f5/0x000001f5 err = (os/kern) failure (0x00000005)
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : error: MachTask::StartExceptionThread (): task invalid, exception thread start failed.
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : 2 [0181/0903]: error: ::task_for_pid ( target_tport = 0x0103, pid = 386, task => 0x0000 ) 0x000001f5/0x000001f5 0x000001f5/0x000001f5 err = (os/kern) failure (0x00000005)
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : 3 [0181/0903]: RNBRunLoopLaunchInferior DNBProcessLaunch() returned error: ''
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : error: failed to launch process (null): failed to get the task for process 386
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[385] : 4 [0181/1603]: error: ::read ( 7, 0x28091c, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.yourcompany.TapToZoom[0x673a]) Bug: launchd_core_logic.c:2649 (23909):10
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.yourcompany.TapToZoom[0x673a]) Working around 5020256. Assuming the job crashed.
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.yourcompany.TapToZoom[0x673a]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.yourcompany.TapToZoom[0x673a]) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2147483647 seconds
    Mon Feb 1 21:10:37 unknown SpringBoard[26] : Application 'TapToZoom' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault

  47. ufo
    February 4, 2010

    Thank you very much. I just did what you said and it works. You are the only one, who have that tutorial for firmware 3.1.2

  48. KhanhVN
    February 5, 2010

    Success in the first try!!
    Xcode 3.1.4
    3.1.2 SDK

    – Release OK
    – Debug OK

    Thanks for sharing this !

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