Category: Uncategorized

February 16, 2025 / / Electronics
August 9, 2018 / / Uncategorized
August 9, 2018 / / Uncategorized
January 31, 2017 / / Uncategorized

If you’re like me, a long time Virgin America customer with a handfull of Elevate points, you probably got an email in the last few days asking you to enroll in Alaska’s Mileage Plan with a nice sweet offer: 10k points or a $100 flight voucher. The first question is, which should you pick? You also have the option to roll your Virgin Elevate points into Mileage Plan points at 1.3 MP points per Elevate point. But should you do it? I spent some time crunching numbers trying to answer both questions.

March 21, 2014 / / Uncategorized


I just installed a UPS the other day (an older Back-UPS XS1300, pictured) and noticed on the back it’s an “approximate sine wave” output. After reading the bottom closer, it’s specified that the device, under 25% load, has a THD of 55% and a maximum harmonic amplitude of 43% of the fundamental’s amplitude. Sounds pretty bad, but what does that really look like?

October 18, 2012 / / Uncategorized

I’ve amassed a lot of loose surface mount parts and it finally came time to do something about organizing them – digging through piles of little plastic bags in a box gets real old real fast. I considered buying something like Adafruit’s SMD parts kit and just stuffing my extra parts in the corresponding slots, but I don’t currently have a pressing need for all the parts, and I came up with something a little cheaper. Perhaps more interesting, I’ve got a nice recipe for heat sealing plastic (like anti-static bags) with your soldering iron without messing it up.

August 1, 2010 / / Uncategorized
August 7, 2009 / / Uncategorized