This is part 1 of a 3 part series, covering “how to simulate with SPICE”… Read the postSPICE Comparison Pt1 – Altium Designer
So you’ve got a thermocouple in your hand and you’re wondering, “what happens when I… Read the postMeasuring Conductive Stuff With Thermocouples
I own a few unsafe laser pointers, but nothing too crazy. I am still sorely… Read the postSanity Checking some Cheap Laser Safety Glasses
Comparing the HT-301 to the handheld HTI-H8 Read the postHTI-H8 vs HT-301 Thermal Imager Comparison and Review
From my last post, you already know I have a Synology NAS I’m trying to… Read the postSynology NAS Encryption Performance
Background and Scope Data handling and backup can be hard, and everything below is my… Read the postMy Backup Strategy: Notes About Syncing to a Synology NAS
UPDATE 10/17/22: I recently updated my 2018MBP to 12.6 Monterey and this technique seems not… Read the postControlling MacBook Pro Charging Cap with Alfred
The 3D printer market is FULL of solutions for keeping prints stuck to the bed… Read the postthe 3D Printing Tool Everyone Should Have
USB-PD is a pretty cool part of USB-C – tons of voltages and powers to… Read the postNotes on USB PD Triggers (And ZY12PDN Instructions)